Hawaii in 4 days! :D

My computer is totally messed up has broke down BIG TIME, so i will use the family computer from now on until i've fixed my... which i hope wont take too long.
That's why i write in english, can't stand to write in swedish without our last letters lol.

So spring break is now over, and thanks god for that! My spring break was so damn boring, had nothing to do, almost everyone was out of town. The only good parts of the break was tuesday when I went to Erinn and watched some Hannibal movies with her, Hannibal Rising and Silence of the lambs, and then wednesday when i hung out with Maxx and Patrick. We went around to ppl, played some Xbox, played som Magic and later to Steak N' Shake at 2am, before we went to Maxx and slept.
And then on Thursday hell got loose. I had to start me Research paper about Winston Churchill ><
Worst thing i've had to do so far here!
Had to get 6-8 different sources and only two of them could be from the internet, and they said it could only be from a specific site, Magnolia. I sat in the library from 12 to 6 searching for sources i could use, found 8 books with at least 600 pages, had to look through them to see which ones I could use but gave up after a while.
Sunday i took up the work again and ended up with these four books...

Worked a little and then gave up because of bordom! (Yes i get bored easily!)
And... it was supposed to be turned in on Tuesday as the latest. So at monday night i started again and didn't finish my crapy essay until 4 o'clock in the morning! xP
I hope we don't have to do anymore of these because i wont survive.
But what I reaaally hate about this research paper is that it stands for 40% of our grade!!!! WTF!
So now I just hope it was good enough to keep me above an F in the grade book (but i don't count on it)

But screw school!!!

In less than 4 days i go to Hawaii!! Fly at 7:45 from Memphis to Phoenix and from there to Honolulu! AHH can't wait.
The heat, the beaches, the sun and the beautiful nature! Surfing, hiking, and who knows what more that comes ;P

And for you suckers back home that I know misses me, I got the flightplan for my trip home.

On May 26th, 5:45pm i board the plane in Memphis and fly to Chicago and arrive at 7:35pm.
I then enter a plane to London at 9:45pm and arrive at 11:30am (Holy shit that's a long time!! ><)
And from London I take the 1:50pm plane directly to Stockholm! So I will be home at Arlanda May 27th at 5:20pm

Damn i can't belive that it's already 8 months. Meet my friends again! Some new I gained.... but some I lost...
Meet my beautiful girlfriend, and my loving family.... or wait, they are on vaccation when I come home o.O
Seems like i'm the one greating you wellcome home lol.

I hope you guys have a big party when i get home! ;D

Now i'm going to get some well needed rest!

Peace out!
// Isaac
I love you more and more Jenny, can't wait to come home to you <3


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