School's out!

Tuesday May 12 We had our american graduation! But for us exchangestudents only, because of State Law, we are not allowed to formaly graduate from a Mississippi school.

We went to an old church where we had our cerimony. We changed to those ugly gowns lol and then walked through the hall to the stage so ppl could take pictures. And then we mostly just sat there while teachers and leaders were talking, then we gave gifts to our families and sat down to watch a slideshow we've done, it was funny and some of the pictures were great :D.
After that we got our diplomas and did the classical graduation thing with throwing our hats ^^
One thing was funny with when i got my diploma, I had invited 7 ppl that came, and when i recieved the diploma it was maaany more that started wistling and shouting lol, many of the ppl that was there for Max. It was only for me and Max that happened ;P
It was a fun experience, but I'm glad I never have to wear that gown at my own graduation ^^
Then after the cerimony all exchange students went to Olive Garden and brought some guests, so Anne-Marie, Laura and Bailey came with me. Great night, fun people and nice gifts :)

The time goes really fast right now, faster than I want it to and most exchangestudentes agree and want to say bye to everyone.

So at Friday 15th we had this cook-off at Luka's family, where everyone... or most exchange brought food from their home country. We had a great time, almost everyone came and there was excellent food ^^
Me, Lukas, Pedro, Hugo, Mathias and some other kid played som football as well, fun!.. except that pedro and mathias sucked and couldn't catch the ball xD
We were there for a couple of hours, signed books and said goodbye in case we wouldn't meet eachother again. But i told everyone to come visit me in Sweden and I hope they will. But I think some of them really will :) those i've been hanging with the most :)

Well that's all for now. And maybe the last one from my year over here, and who knows if i keep it up back home haha.

From your soon no longer lost

// Isaac "The Mad Swede" Langer

Prom plus other stuff

Prom wasn't such a hit as i hoped for!
I rented a tux, and for the first time in my life i wore one lol! Looked totally weird but Jordan looked good in her dress.
We all met at Grant's house around 5-6pm for pictures for the parents and later to go to city hall and meet the limo there :) It was great! It was a luxurious limo ^^ We were 7 couples all together and everyone got a good spot.
We rolled over to Memphis where we ate at Hard Rock cafe where they had messed up our reservation so we got splited tables. No tip for them. Then we went over to a big, magnificent mall named PeaBody where we took some more pictures and just walked around.
Around 9-10 we returned toward Southaven and turned to Olivebranch where Prom was at Wispering Woods, a small but nice hotel. The time before this was great but the actual prom was a little bit disappointing, the balroom was a little too small for all the ppl, so it was crammed and HOT! And the music wasn't really in my taste lol. But guess what! I danced two times xD IF you can call it dancing...
Met a ton of folks i knew and walked aroud mingling, but after an hour around 11:30 we left with our limo back to city hall and home... Home because the kids at Southaven are BORING! No one had a f-ing party! So me, Pedro, Martine, Christine, Frank and a couple of others went to Ihop around 2 to 3 AM (God bless Ihop) where we still had a great time getting high on coffee! xD I drank about 10 cups and was hyper the rest of the night, playing xbox and watching Yes Man :)


And now to the BIG stuff!

Guess what!
My trip home is set in 4 weeks from now at May 26! :D
And guess what again!
I might not be able to come home by then!, You know why? Because of the damn Swineflu that's spreading from Mexico up into USA!, They might close ALL traveling by airports so the flu won't spread...Some guy in texas died of it, and many is sick, and in mexico a lot of ppl is dying of it.
But what the hell, its just my fucking luck to be here when a deadly disease is starting to spread through the, country 3 weeks before i am supposed to leave! So to everyone back home, if i die because the mexicans can't wash their hands... you might share ah shit! i don't have anything over there!
Nah just kidding! My swedish/german genes will protect me haha :P
And dad, I want to know about my ancestry when i get home, like am i half german or is Grandad and granmom not pure german? Been thinking about that haha.

Well just be ready that my travel home MIGHT (small chance) be delayed.

From your all loving and at present PISSED (other reason)
// Isaac (the mad swede) Langer

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